I personally love Chase, for the record.
I tolerate the morning people.
I cannot even begin to understand the housekeepers or the regular nightshift guy, but they dont usually piss me off.
However, i have serious reservations about the twice a week night guy. Lets call him WANNABE.
Wannabe is a loser. scruffy goatee, ex-army (so he thinks he has a chance), townie, unfunny loser. The most impressive person he has ever had sex with is my good friend Bambi (against my advice) and that was the luckiest he will ever get. second place would be one of our regular prostitutes. he claims he didnt pay for it, but come on. no one rides for free.
he has now taken hitting on me to an art form. its disgusting. in the past 3 days he has sent me 54 text messages, called me multiple times on my cell, and even more on the work phone since theres no caller ID and no feasable way for me to ignore his calls.
seriously, guys: if you ask a girl out and she politely declines, you move on. even if you think shes just playing hard to get, shes not gonna change her answer after youve asked her to "chill" for 35 minutes straight. save your dignity and invest in a blowup doll.
not wannabe. he showed up here for no reason to harass me on my busiest day of the week. i would quit my job to avoid being thrown in the trunk of his car and left in a ditch on the side of the road, but its too entertaining.
p.s. he now calls me peaches. double yuck. more details to follow, im sure..... sorry for the extra long gripe session.
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