lets set up our standard backdrop for all of my stories:
im visiting chase. im drunk. there are men around.
buzz is there, and so is a group of men that have been staying for the past month on and off. for some reason, they all thought it would be funny to tell the young kid in the group that i want to "do him" and that he has a chance. i already know that he doesnt because he has no military experience.
anyway, drinking and smoking until the wee hours of the morning took its toll on me and i told buzz to give me his room key. i thought i said it in a cute, seductive way; he has the social cues of a baboon in special ed, so he thought i wanted to just go to his room and watch MTV cribs or something while he stayed out. this is also a man who met me in flats, saw me next in 5 inch heels and LITERALLY asked me "how did you get taller?" AFTER looking at my shoes. oh, buzz...
i go to his room and get under the covers, and 2 minutes later beano (young kid in group) strolls in like he belongs there. apparantely buzz thought it would be funny to send him in there after he found out that the poor kid likes me. when i say "likes me" i mean it. he actually likes me as a person and isnt looking to be my next accomplishment. i feel terrible, but i dont want my relationships lasting longer than my orgasms.
im humiliated, and i have to politely tell him that im in BUZZ'S room waiting for BUZZ, and that he should probably leave. he does, with his head down and tail between his legs. poor beano...
eventually buzz gets the hint that i need to be tended to, so he comes in and we get down to business. its great, even though he keeps insisting that we do something i do NOT do. especially with that size equipment. whatever, i ignore him and enjoy the show.
then i got slapped. hard. in the face.
MEN: rough sex is hot, if the girl is into it. spanking, handcuffs, lightly putting your hands on someones neck (NOT choking) pinning someone down in the right way, and a good throw down is always ok and very fun if youre in that kinda mood. SLAPPING SOMEONE IN THE FACE IS NOT IN THE ROUGH SEX CATEGORY.
I know that these stories make me seem carefree, anything goes, whatever. but im not a low rent hooker on liberty avenue. i dont have a crack addiction or daddy issues. so do not treat me like a whore. im actually mad.
i let it go because everything else going on is so damn good that i figure that convo can wait a day or two.
then i got slapped somewhere else: in the vagina.
like in a spread eagle position. an actual slap to the vagina. not the vagina bone. the vagina.
i need a new life. we're having a conversation before i do it again tonight.
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