i'll give you the basic rundown about me before we get to the good stuff -- ive been working at the now infamous pittsburgh area hotel for just under a year now, and met chase during my training. needless to say, its been quite the shit show since.
people are always amazed at the stories we have, and until now all you've been able to read about is just plain LAME SAUCE. between our own drunken rampages, police-related matters, and ordinary convos with low rent strippers, theres a story or two that we've been DYING to share. and now we can. =)
FOR THE RECORD: every single one of these stories are real. theres really no need to make up material when theres already so much to go off of. but no real names are going to be used. both for their protection and ours. we really are a bunch of degenerates.ENJOY!!!
<3 CC
bring it on